
New from Join Together (http://www.jointogether.org)

House Committee Approves Addiction/Mental Health Parity Bill In a historic move, the House Education and Labor Committee voted 33-9 to approve a strong mental-health and addiction parity bill, setting the stage for a possible House floor vote on the measure this fall.

U.S. Mayors Declare Drug War a Failure The mayors of America's cities have unanimously approved a resolution stating that the drug war 'has failed' and calling for a harm-reduction oriented approach to drug policy that focuses on public health. The U.S. Conference of Mayors adopted the resolution during its June 21-26 annual meeting in Los Angeles, calling for a "new bottom line" in drug policy that "concentrates more fully on reducing the negative consequences associated with drug abuse, while ensuring that our policies do not exacerbate these problems or create new social problems of their own; establishes quantifiable, short- and long-term objectives for drug policy; saves taxpayers money; and holds state and federal agencies responsible."

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