
SMART Recovery® (Self Management And Recovery Training) helps individuals gain independence from addictive behaviors
Volume 14, Issue 3 • Summer 2008
A. Thomas Horvath, PhD, President Emmett Velten, PhD, Editor

Comment: Emmet is a very smart psychologist with whom I had the pleasure of working many years ago.  


SMART Recovery® offers free face-to-face and online mutual help groups.SMART Recovery® (Self-Management And Recovery Training) helps people recover from all types of addictive behaviors, including: alcoholism, drug abuse, substance abuse, drug addiction, alcohol abuse, gambling addiction, cocaine addiction, and addiction to other substances and activities. 

SMART Recovery®  sponsors more than 450+ face-to-face meetings around the world, and 16+ online meetings per week. In addition, our onlinemessage board is an excellent forum in which to learn about SMARTRecovery®  and seek support.

SMART offers free face-to-face and online mutual help groups. SMART (Self-Management And Recovery Training) helps people recover from all types of addictive behaviors, including: alcoholism, drug abuse, substance abuse, drug addiction, alcohol abuse, gambling addiction, cocaine addiction, and addiction to other substances and activities. SMART is an alternative to Alcoholics Anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous.

SMART sponsors more than 300+ face-to-face meetings around the world, and 16+ online meetings per week. In addition, our online message board is an excellent forum in which to learn about SMART and seek support.

Our Purpose
To support individuals who have chosen to abstain, or are considering abstinence from any type of addictive behaviors (substances or activities), by teaching how to change self-defeating thinking, emotions, and actions; and to work towards long-term satisfactions and quality of life.

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Our Approach

* Teaches self-empowerment and self-reliance.
* Works on addictions/compulsions as complex maladaptive behaviors with possible physiological factors.
* Teaches tools and techniques for self-directed change.
* Encourages individuals to recover and live satisfying lives.
* Meetings are educational and include open discussions.
* Advocates the appropriate use of prescribed medications and psychological treatments.
* Evolves as scientific knowledge evolves.
* Differs from Alcoholics Anonymous, Narcotics Anonymous and traditional 12-step programs.

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SMART Recovery® 4-Point ProgramSM

SMART Recovery® (Self Management And Recovery Training) helps individuals gain independence from addictive behaviors (substances or activities). Our efforts are based on scientific knowledge and evolve as scientific knowledge evolves. The program offers specific tools and techniques for each of the program points:

Point 1: Enhancing and Maintaining Motivation to Abstain

Point 2: Coping with Urges

Point 3: Problem Solving (Managing thoughts, feelings and behaviors)

Point 4: Lifestyle Balance (Balancing momentary and enduring satisfactions)

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SMART Recovery® Tools & Techniques

The SMART Recovery® 4-Point ProgramSM employs a variety of tools and techniques to help individuals gain independence from addictive behaviors. Participants are encouraged to learn how to use each tool and to practice the tools and techniques as they progress toward Point 4 of the program -- achieving lifestyle balance and leading a fulfilling and healthy life. These tools include:

- Stages of Change
- Change Plan Worksheet
- Cost/Benefit Analysis (Decision Making Worksheet)
- ABCs of REBT for Urge Coping
- ABCs of REBT for Emotional Upsets
- DISARM (Destructive Irrational Self-talk Awareness & Refusal Method)
- Brainstorming
- Role-playing and Rehearsing
- USA 

** To purchase SMART Recovery publications, view the suggested reading list or for descriptions of publications Click Here.

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SMART Recovery® Purposes and Methods Statement

1. We help individuals gain independence from addictive behavior.

2. We teach how to
     - enhance and maintain motivation to abstain
     - cope with urges
     - manage thoughts, feelings and behavior
     - balance momentary and enduring satisfaction

3. Our efforts are based on scientific knowledge, and evolve as scientific knowledge evolves.

4. Individuals who have gained independence from addictive behavior are invited to stay involved with us, to enhance their gains and help others.


1. We assume that addictive behavior can arise from both substance use (e.g., psychoactive substances of all kinds, including alcohol, nicotine, caffeine, food, illicit drugs, and prescribed medications), and involvement in activities (e.g., gambling, sexual behavior, eating, spending, relationships, exercise, etc.). We assume that there are degrees of addictive behavior, and that all individuals to some degree experience it. For some individuals the negative consequences of addictive behavior (which can involve several substances or activities) become so great that change becomes highly desirable. 

To individuals who are, or think they may be, at this point, we offer our services. Our groups are free of charge (although a donation is requested). Our Internet listserve discussion group is free to those who can access it. There is a nominal charge for our publications. 

2. Gaining independence from addictive behavior can involve changes that affect an individuals entire life, not just changes directly related to the addictive behavior itself. Consequently there appear to be as many roads to gaining independence from addictive behavior as there are individuals. For many the road will lead somewhere other than using our services. We recommend they follow the direction they have chosen, and we wish them well. They are always welcome to return.

Individuals who have been successful in gaining independence from addictive behavior appear to have made changes in all four areas we teach about. These four areas could also be described as maintaining motivation, coping with craving, thinking rationally, and leading a balanced lifestyle. Although we teach important information in each of these areas, ultimately it is the individual's determination and persistence to keep moving forward that will determine how much success is achieved.

Our services are provided for those who desire, or think they may desire, to achieve abstinence. Individuals unsure about whether to pursue abstinence may observe in our group discussions how abstinence can be achieved, and how it can help. Even those whose ultimate goal is moderated involvement with their substances or activities may benefit from participation in abstinence-oriented discussions. Benefit could occur if the individual aims to engage in selected periods of abstinence, or frames the goal as abstaining from over- involvement (as opposed to all involvement).

Much of the information imparted by us is drawn from the field of cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), and particularly from Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy, as developed by Albert Ellis, Ph.D. In general, CBT views addictive behavior more as a complex maladaptive behavior than as a disease. Use of the CBT perspective allows us to use a rich and easily accessible body of ideas, techniques, and publications. Some of these publications we are able to make available directly to our participants, and others are available through bookstores and other sources.

3. What we offer is consistent with the most effective methods yet discovered for resolving emotional and behavioral problems. As scientific knowledge advances, our teachings will be modified accordingly. Individuals with religious beliefs are likely to find our program as compatible with their beliefs as other scientifically derived knowledge and applications.

4. The length of time an individual will derive help from our services is variable. For many sincere participants there will come a time when attending our groups, or participating in our other services, is more in conflict with the pursuit of their life goals than enhancing them. Although these participants will always be welcome back if they want to come, this conflict signals that the time for graduation has arrived.

One of the most enduring satisfactions in life is helping others. The individuals who have nurtured SMART Recovery® thus far have reported intense satisfaction at witnessing the positive changes our participants have experienced, and at witnessing the influence we are having on professional addictive behavior treatment. We offer to others, whether graduates of our efforts or not, the opportunity to join us in experiencing that satisfaction.

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SMART vs. 12-Step Programs

At SMART we believe that each individual finds his own path to recovery. For some that may include traditional 12-step programs like Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) or Narcotics Anonymous (NA). While the SMART approach differs from AA and NA, it does not exclude them. Some SMART participants choose to attend AA or NA meetings when they cannot attend a SMART meeting. Some find that what they hear at AA or NA meetings helps them on their path to permanent recovery.

N E W S &V I E W S
SMART Recovery
Bringing Science and Reason to Self-Help with Addictive Behavior Volume 14, Issue 3 • Summer 2008
A. Thomas Horvath, PhD, President Emmett Velten, PhD, Editor
SMART Recovery®: Evidence-Based
or Science-Based?
SMART Recovery® is a science-based
approach to addiction recovery. In
time, we may also be evidence-based.
This article will explain the difference
between these concepts.
Many definitions of “evidence-based
treatment” for any health or behavioral
condition have been proposed. If you
google “definitions of evidence based
practice,” you will see many definitions.
In this article, I will use a strict
definition. A treatment is evidencebased
if two or more randomized
clinical trials (RCTs) show that the
treatment is superior to a control
condition or comparable to a treatment
with demonstrated efficacy.
Many health and behavioral health
conditions do not have many or any
evidence-based treatments associated
with them. But many of them do.
Conducting RCTs is expensive. Unless
there is significant money to be made
later, many potentially interesting
studies are not conducted. Thus, there
is bias in favor of studies of medications
over studies of procedures. There
is typically much more money to be
made from selling a medication to
millions of people (e.g., Prozac) than
selling equipment or training to a few
SMART Recovery® is not an
evidence-based “treatment” for addictive
behavior, given the definition I
am using. Because there won’t be any
money to be made from SMART
Recovery®, the RCT that would show
SMART Recovery® comparable or
superior to some other condition will
likely be funded by a grant.
One obvious comparison would be
to other support groups, particularly
AA. I would be interested in seeing
such a study. However, it would not get
us very far. AA is not evidence-based
either. (See Editor’s Note, below.) Of
course, you may have heard that “AA
is the only thing that works.” This
statement is folklore not science. AA
(Continued on page 2)
President’s Letter
he SMART Recovery®
(Self-Management And
Recovery Training)
program helps individuals
gain independence from
addictive behavior.
Our efforts are based on
scientific knowledge and evolve
as scientific knowledge evolves.
The program offers specific tools and
techniques for each of the program points:
Point #1: Enhancing and maintaining
motivation to abstain
Point #2: Coping with urges
Point #3: Managing thoughts, feelings and
behavior (problem-solving)
Point #4: Balancing momentary and
enduring satisfactions
(lifestyle balance)
The SMART Recovery®
4-Point ProgramSM
President’s Letter
SMART Recovery®: Evidence-Based
or Science-Based? . . . . . . . . . 1
4-Point ProgramSM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
SMART Progress
Annual Volunteer Gathering
is scheduled! . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
SMART Recovery® Online Update . . . . 3
SMART Recovery® Participation
at the 33rd Annual
ASADS Conference . . . . . . . . . 4
Welcome to Our Newest
Board Member! . . . . . . . 5
International Development
SMART Recovery® Australia Update . . 6
Message of Recovery . . . . . . . . 7
“Spiritual Change,” A Possible,
If Not Intended, Outcome . . . . 8
Nutrition is an Important First
Step of Recovery . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Addictive Gambling Behavior . . . . . . . . 9
People Power
An Aussie Adventure in the States . . . 11
My Recovery Journey from
Newcomer to Facilitator . . . . . . . . 12
Prison Outreach
You’ve come a Long Way, Barry! . . . . 14
The Challenge of Fundraising
and a Matching Challenge
from the Editor . . 15
3-Minute REBT . . . . . . . . 16

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