
MedEdPORTAL: Cultural Sensitivity in OB/GYN


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Title: Cultural Sensitivity in OB/GYN: the Ultimate Patient-Centered Care
MedEdPORTAL ID#: 1658
Version: 1
Resource Type: Lecture Presentation
Description: This is a PowerPoint presentation with accompanying speaker notes suitable for presentation to healthcare learners at nearly any level of training: students, residents, fellows and faculty. The resource is designed to be used in an interactive style with learner participation. Practical suggestions are included to assist in a total assessment of the patient with emphasis on language barriers and cultural barriers. Varied simple clinical vignettes allow the learners to explore how cultural differences can impact care in the field of obstetrics and gynecology. Culturally sensitive care allows the patient to more fully partner with the provider in achieving better health. The resource stresses the need for cultural sensitivity versus cultural stereotyping.
Author Institution: University of Iowa Roy J. and Lucille A. Carver COM
Primary Author:
Marygrace Elson, MD
University of Iowa Roy J. and Lucille A. Carver COM
Univ Iowa Dept Ob/Gyn
51220 PFP, 200 Hawkins Drive
Iowa City , IA 52242-1080
Resource File(s):
  1. Download File: MEP_1658_1 / 2426.0 KB
  • This resource is comprised of multiple files that have been zipped into a single file for quick and easy download.
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Additional Resource File Information:
1 .zip file containing:

1. Cultural_Sensitivity.ppt
2. Speaker_Notes.pdf
3. Copyright_License.pdf
AAMC Hot Topics:
  • Medicine: Communication Skills
  • Medicine: Cultural Diversity
  • Content Last Updated:
  • Medicine: Obstetrics and Gynecology
  • Educational Objectives:
    1.) To identify cultural barrers which lead to health care disparities.
    2.) To determine when and how to use an interpreter.
    3.) To apply principles of cross-cultural communication to every patient encounter.
    4.) To appraise and respond to cultural cues in the clinical setting.
    Resource Keyword/Symptom:
  • Cultural Competency
  • Cultural Sensitivity
  • Culturally-Sensitive Care
  • Patient-Centered Care
  • Language Barrier
  • Cultural Competency (MeSH)
  • Cultural Diversity (MeSH)
  • Patient-Centered Care (MeSH)
  • Communication Barriers (MeSH)
  • Stereotyping (MeSH)
  • Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME) Competencies Addressed:
  • Patient Care
  • Interpersonal and Communication Skills
  • Intended Learner Audience:
  • 3rd Year Medical/Dental Students
  • 4th Year Medical/Dental Students
  • Medical Fellows
  • Medical/Dental Residents
  • Continuing Medical/Dental Education (CME) for Faculty Self Learning
  • Intended Faculty Audience:
  • Clinical Science Faculty
  • Clerkship Director / Clinical Science Course Director
  • Effectiveness and Significance of Publication:
    The resource has been utilized eight times per year for the last two years as part of the OB-GYN clinical clerkship at University of Iowa Carver College of Medicine. During this time it has undergone significant revision based on learner feedback; simple clinical vignettes were added. Learners have indicated that this was a topic which otherwise did not receive much emphasis in the course of the M3 year. A recent learner recommended, "cultural competencies lecture at the beginning, not the end of the clerkship, would have been more beneficial."
    Special Implementation Requirements or Guidelines:
    Computer and Projector for PowerPoint

    This educational resource is best-suited to an interactive didactic session. I have utilized this presentation both for smaller (<20)>
    Lessons Learned:
    Resource works best in smaller interactive sessions but can be used with a larger group.
    Publications, Presentations, and/or Citations For This Publication:
    Sponsorship (Funding Source):
    All Parties Content Is Associated With:
    No copyright notices found for images imported from web. Microsoft Clipart acceptable use as used for "personal,noncommercial use."
    Citation Formats:
  • NLM:
  • Elson M , Cultural Sensitivity in OB/GYN: the Ultimate Patient-Centered Care. MedEdPORTAL; 2009. Available from:
  • APA:
  • Elson, M., (2009). Cultural Sensitivity in OB/GYN: the Ultimate Patient-Centered Care. MedEdPORTAL:

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