altruism and the brain
altruism and the brain
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2006 Oct 17;103(42):15623-8. Epub 2006 Oct 9.
Human fronto-mesolimbic networks guide decisions about charitable
Moll J, Krueger F, Zahn R, Pardini M, de Oliveira-Souza R, Grafman J.
Cognitive Neuroscience Section, National Institute of Neurological
Disorders and
Stroke, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD 20892-1440, USA.
Humans often sacrifice material benefits to endorse or to oppose
causes based on moral beliefs. Charitable donation behavior, which has
been the target of recent experimental economics studies, is an
outstanding contemporary manifestation of this ability. Yet the neural
bases of this unique aspect of human altruism, which extends beyond
interpersonal interactions, remain obscure. In this article, we use
functional magnetic resonance imaging while participants anonymously
donated to or opposed real charitable organizations related to major
societal causes. We show that the mesolimbic reward system is engaged by
donations in the same way as when monetary rewards are obtained.
Furthermore, medial orbitofrontal-subgenual and lateral orbitofrontal
areas, which also play key roles in more primitive mechanisms of social
attachment and aversion, specifically mediate decisions to donate or to
oppose societal causes. Remarkably, more anterior sectors of the
prefrontal cortex are distinctively recruited when altruistic choices
prevail over selfish material interests.
PMID: 17030808 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
> If It Feels Good to Be Good, It Might Be Only Natural
> By Shankar Vedantam
> Washington Post Staff Writer
> Monday, May 28, 2007; A01
> The e-mail came from the next room.
> "You gotta see this!" Jorge Moll had written. Moll and Jordan Grafman,
neuroscientists at the National Institutes of Health, had been scanning
the brains of volunteers as they were asked to think about a scenario
involving either donating a sum of money to charity or keeping it for
> As Grafman read the e-mail, Moll came bursting in. The scientists
stared at each other. Grafman was thinking, "Whoa -- wait a minute!"
> The results were showing that when the volunteers placed the interests
of others before their own, the generosity activated a primitive part of
the brain that usually lights up in response to food or sex. Altruism,
the experiment suggested, was not a superior moral faculty that
suppresses basic selfish urges but rather was basic to the brain,
hard-wired and pleasurable.
> Their 2006 finding that unselfishness can feel good lends scientific
support to the admonitions of spiritual leaders such as Saint Francis of
Assisi, who said, "For it is in giving that we receive." But it is also
a dramatic example of the way neuroscience has begun to elbow its way
into discussions about morality and has opened up a new window on what
it means to be good.
> Grafman and others are using brain imaging and psychological
experiments to study whether the brain has a built-in moral compass. The
results -- many of them published just in recent months -- are showing,
unexpectedly, that many aspects of morality appear to be hard-wired in
the brain, most likely the result of evolutionary processes that began
in other species.
> No one can say whether giraffes and lions experience moral qualms in
the same way people do because no one has been inside a giraffe's head,
but it is known that animals can sacrifice their own interests: One
experiment found that if each time a rat is given food, its neighbor
receives an electric shock, the first rat will eventually forgo eating.
> What the new research is showing is that morality has biological roots
-- such as the reward center in the brain that lit up in Grafman's
experiment -- that have been around for a very long time.
> The more researchers learn, the more it appears that the foundation of
morality is empathy. Being able to recognize -- even experience
vicariously -- what another creature is going through was an important
leap in the evolution of social behavior. And it is only a short step
from this awareness to many human notions of right and wrong, says Jean
Decety, a neuroscientist at the University of Chicago.
> The research enterprise has been viewed with interest by philosophers
and theologians, but already some worry that it raises troubling
questions. Reducing morality and immorality to brain chemistry -- rather
than free will -- might diminish the importance of personal
responsibility. Even more important, some wonder whether the very idea
of morality is somehow degraded if it turns out to be just another
evolutionary tool that nature uses to help species survive and
> Moral decisions can often feel like abstract intellectual challenges,
but a number of experiments such as the one by Grafman have shown that
emotions are central to moral thinking. In another experiment published
in March, University of Southern California neuroscientist Antonio R.
Damasio and his colleagues showed that patients with damage to an area
of the brain known as the ventromedial prefrontal cortex lack the
ability to feel their way to moral answers.
> When confronted with moral dilemmas, the brain-damaged patients coldly
came up with "end-justifies-the-means" answers. Damasio said the point
was not that they reached immoral conclusions, but that when confronted
by a difficult issue -- such as whether to shoot down a passenger plane
hijacked by terrorists before it hits a major city -- these patients
appear to reach decisions without the anguish that afflicts those with
normally functioning brains.
> Such experiments have two important implications. One is that morality
is not merely about the decisions people reach but also about the
process by which they get there. Another implication, said Adrian Raine,
a clinical neuroscientist at the University of Southern California, is
that society may have to rethink how it judges immoral people.
> Psychopaths often feel no empathy or remorse. Without that awareness,
people relying exclusively on reasoning seem to find it harder to sort
their way through moral thickets. Does that mean they should be held to
different standards of accountability?
> "Eventually, you are bound to get into areas that for thousands of
years we have preferred to keep mystical," said Grafman, the chief
cognitive neuroscientist at the National Institute of Neurological
Disorders and Stroke. "Some of the questions that are important are not
just of intellectual interest, but challenging and frightening to the
ways we ground our lives. We need to step very carefully."
> Joshua D. Greene, a Harvard neuroscientist and philosopher, said
multiple experiments suggest that morality arises from basic brain
activities. Morality, he said, is not a brain function elevated above
our baser impulses. Greene said it is not "handed down" by philosophers
and clergy, but "handed up," an outgrowth of the brain's basic
> Moral decision-making often involves competing brain networks vying
for supremacy, he said. Simple moral decisions -- is killing a child
right or wrong? -- are simple because they activate a straightforward
brain response. Difficult moral decisions, by contrast, activate
multiple brain regions that conflict with one another, he said.
> In one 2004 brain-imaging experiment, Greene asked volunteers to
imagine that they were hiding in a cellar of a village as enemy soldiers
came looking to kill all the inhabitants. If a baby was crying in the
cellar, Greene asked, was it right to smother the child to keep the
soldiers from discovering the cellar and killing everyone?
> The reason people are slow to answer such an awful question, the study
indicated, is that emotion-linked circuits automatically signaling that
killing a baby is wrong clash with areas of the brain that involve
cooler aspects of cognition. One brain region activated when people
process such difficult choices is the inferior parietal lobe, which has
been shown to be active in more impersonal decision-making. This part of
the brain, in essence, was "arguing" with brain networks that reacted
with visceral horror.
> Such studies point to a pattern, Greene said, showing "competing
forces that may have come online at different points in our evolutionary
history. A basic emotional response is probably much older than the
ability to evaluate costs and benefits."
> While one implication of such findings is that people with certain
kinds of brain damage may do bad things they cannot be held responsible
for, the new research could also expand the boundaries of moral
responsibility. Neuroscience research, Greene said, is finally
explaining a problem that has long troubled philosophers and moral
teachers: Why is it that people who are willing to help someone in front
of them will ignore abstract pleas for help from those who are distant,
such as a request for a charitable contribution that could save the life
of a child overseas?
> "We evolved in a world where people in trouble right in front of you
existed, so our emotions were tuned to them, whereas we didn't face the
other kind of situation," Greene said. "It is comforting to think your
moral intuitions are reliable and you can trust them. But if my analysis
is right, your intuitions are not trustworthy. Once you realize why you
have the intuitions you have, it puts a burden on you" to think about
morality differently.
> Marc Hauser, another Harvard researcher, has used cleverly designed
psychological experiments to study morality. He said his research has
found that people all over the world process moral questions in the same
way, suggesting that moral thinking is intrinsic to the human brain,
rather than a product of culture. It may be useful to think about
morality much like language, in that its basic features are hard-wired,
Hauser said. Different cultures and religions build on that framework in
much the way children in different cultures learn different languages
using the same neural machinery.
> Hauser said that if his theory is right, there should be aspects of
morality that are automatic and unconscious -- just like language.
People would reach moral conclusions in the same way they construct a
sentence without having been trained in linguistics. Hauser said the
idea could shed light on contradictions in common moral stances.
> U.S. law, for example, distinguishes between a physician who removes a
feeding tube from a terminally ill patient and a physician who
administers a drug to kill the patient.
> Hauser said the only difference is that the second scenario is more
emotionally charged -- and therefore feels like a different moral
problem, when it really is not: "In the end, the doctor's intent is to
reduce suffering, and that is as true in active as in passive
euthanasia, and either way the patient is dead."
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2006 Oct 17;103(42):15623-8. Epub 2006 Oct 9.
Human fronto-mesolimbic networks guide decisions about charitable
Moll J, Krueger F, Zahn R, Pardini M, de Oliveira-Souza R, Grafman J.
Cognitive Neuroscience Section, National Institute of Neurological
Disorders and
Stroke, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD 20892-1440, USA.
Humans often sacrifice material benefits to endorse or to oppose
causes based on moral beliefs. Charitable donation behavior, which has
been the target of recent experimental economics studies, is an
outstanding contemporary manifestation of this ability. Yet the neural
bases of this unique aspect of human altruism, which extends beyond
interpersonal interactions, remain obscure. In this article, we use
functional magnetic resonance imaging while participants anonymously
donated to or opposed real charitable organizations related to major
societal causes. We show that the mesolimbic reward system is engaged by
donations in the same way as when monetary rewards are obtained.
Furthermore, medial orbitofrontal-subgenual and lateral orbitofrontal
areas, which also play key roles in more primitive mechanisms of social
attachment and aversion, specifically mediate decisions to donate or to
oppose societal causes. Remarkably, more anterior sectors of the
prefrontal cortex are distinctively recruited when altruistic choices
prevail over selfish material interests.
PMID: 17030808 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
> If It Feels Good to Be Good, It Might Be Only Natural
> By Shankar Vedantam
> Washington Post Staff Writer
> Monday, May 28, 2007; A01
> The e-mail came from the next room.
> "You gotta see this!" Jorge Moll had written. Moll and Jordan Grafman,
neuroscientists at the National Institutes of Health, had been scanning
the brains of volunteers as they were asked to think about a scenario
involving either donating a sum of money to charity or keeping it for
> As Grafman read the e-mail, Moll came bursting in. The scientists
stared at each other. Grafman was thinking, "Whoa -- wait a minute!"
> The results were showing that when the volunteers placed the interests
of others before their own, the generosity activated a primitive part of
the brain that usually lights up in response to food or sex. Altruism,
the experiment suggested, was not a superior moral faculty that
suppresses basic selfish urges but rather was basic to the brain,
hard-wired and pleasurable.
> Their 2006 finding that unselfishness can feel good lends scientific
support to the admonitions of spiritual leaders such as Saint Francis of
Assisi, who said, "For it is in giving that we receive." But it is also
a dramatic example of the way neuroscience has begun to elbow its way
into discussions about morality and has opened up a new window on what
it means to be good.
> Grafman and others are using brain imaging and psychological
experiments to study whether the brain has a built-in moral compass. The
results -- many of them published just in recent months -- are showing,
unexpectedly, that many aspects of morality appear to be hard-wired in
the brain, most likely the result of evolutionary processes that began
in other species.
> No one can say whether giraffes and lions experience moral qualms in
the same way people do because no one has been inside a giraffe's head,
but it is known that animals can sacrifice their own interests: One
experiment found that if each time a rat is given food, its neighbor
receives an electric shock, the first rat will eventually forgo eating.
> What the new research is showing is that morality has biological roots
-- such as the reward center in the brain that lit up in Grafman's
experiment -- that have been around for a very long time.
> The more researchers learn, the more it appears that the foundation of
morality is empathy. Being able to recognize -- even experience
vicariously -- what another creature is going through was an important
leap in the evolution of social behavior. And it is only a short step
from this awareness to many human notions of right and wrong, says Jean
Decety, a neuroscientist at the University of Chicago.
> The research enterprise has been viewed with interest by philosophers
and theologians, but already some worry that it raises troubling
questions. Reducing morality and immorality to brain chemistry -- rather
than free will -- might diminish the importance of personal
responsibility. Even more important, some wonder whether the very idea
of morality is somehow degraded if it turns out to be just another
evolutionary tool that nature uses to help species survive and
> Moral decisions can often feel like abstract intellectual challenges,
but a number of experiments such as the one by Grafman have shown that
emotions are central to moral thinking. In another experiment published
in March, University of Southern California neuroscientist Antonio R.
Damasio and his colleagues showed that patients with damage to an area
of the brain known as the ventromedial prefrontal cortex lack the
ability to feel their way to moral answers.
> When confronted with moral dilemmas, the brain-damaged patients coldly
came up with "end-justifies-the-means" answers. Damasio said the point
was not that they reached immoral conclusions, but that when confronted
by a difficult issue -- such as whether to shoot down a passenger plane
hijacked by terrorists before it hits a major city -- these patients
appear to reach decisions without the anguish that afflicts those with
normally functioning brains.
> Such experiments have two important implications. One is that morality
is not merely about the decisions people reach but also about the
process by which they get there. Another implication, said Adrian Raine,
a clinical neuroscientist at the University of Southern California, is
that society may have to rethink how it judges immoral people.
> Psychopaths often feel no empathy or remorse. Without that awareness,
people relying exclusively on reasoning seem to find it harder to sort
their way through moral thickets. Does that mean they should be held to
different standards of accountability?
> "Eventually, you are bound to get into areas that for thousands of
years we have preferred to keep mystical," said Grafman, the chief
cognitive neuroscientist at the National Institute of Neurological
Disorders and Stroke. "Some of the questions that are important are not
just of intellectual interest, but challenging and frightening to the
ways we ground our lives. We need to step very carefully."
> Joshua D. Greene, a Harvard neuroscientist and philosopher, said
multiple experiments suggest that morality arises from basic brain
activities. Morality, he said, is not a brain function elevated above
our baser impulses. Greene said it is not "handed down" by philosophers
and clergy, but "handed up," an outgrowth of the brain's basic
> Moral decision-making often involves competing brain networks vying
for supremacy, he said. Simple moral decisions -- is killing a child
right or wrong? -- are simple because they activate a straightforward
brain response. Difficult moral decisions, by contrast, activate
multiple brain regions that conflict with one another, he said.
> In one 2004 brain-imaging experiment, Greene asked volunteers to
imagine that they were hiding in a cellar of a village as enemy soldiers
came looking to kill all the inhabitants. If a baby was crying in the
cellar, Greene asked, was it right to smother the child to keep the
soldiers from discovering the cellar and killing everyone?
> The reason people are slow to answer such an awful question, the study
indicated, is that emotion-linked circuits automatically signaling that
killing a baby is wrong clash with areas of the brain that involve
cooler aspects of cognition. One brain region activated when people
process such difficult choices is the inferior parietal lobe, which has
been shown to be active in more impersonal decision-making. This part of
the brain, in essence, was "arguing" with brain networks that reacted
with visceral horror.
> Such studies point to a pattern, Greene said, showing "competing
forces that may have come online at different points in our evolutionary
history. A basic emotional response is probably much older than the
ability to evaluate costs and benefits."
> While one implication of such findings is that people with certain
kinds of brain damage may do bad things they cannot be held responsible
for, the new research could also expand the boundaries of moral
responsibility. Neuroscience research, Greene said, is finally
explaining a problem that has long troubled philosophers and moral
teachers: Why is it that people who are willing to help someone in front
of them will ignore abstract pleas for help from those who are distant,
such as a request for a charitable contribution that could save the life
of a child overseas?
> "We evolved in a world where people in trouble right in front of you
existed, so our emotions were tuned to them, whereas we didn't face the
other kind of situation," Greene said. "It is comforting to think your
moral intuitions are reliable and you can trust them. But if my analysis
is right, your intuitions are not trustworthy. Once you realize why you
have the intuitions you have, it puts a burden on you" to think about
morality differently.
> Marc Hauser, another Harvard researcher, has used cleverly designed
psychological experiments to study morality. He said his research has
found that people all over the world process moral questions in the same
way, suggesting that moral thinking is intrinsic to the human brain,
rather than a product of culture. It may be useful to think about
morality much like language, in that its basic features are hard-wired,
Hauser said. Different cultures and religions build on that framework in
much the way children in different cultures learn different languages
using the same neural machinery.
> Hauser said that if his theory is right, there should be aspects of
morality that are automatic and unconscious -- just like language.
People would reach moral conclusions in the same way they construct a
sentence without having been trained in linguistics. Hauser said the
idea could shed light on contradictions in common moral stances.
> U.S. law, for example, distinguishes between a physician who removes a
feeding tube from a terminally ill patient and a physician who
administers a drug to kill the patient.
> Hauser said the only difference is that the second scenario is more
emotionally charged -- and therefore feels like a different moral
problem, when it really is not: "In the end, the doctor's intent is to
reduce suffering, and that is as true in active as in passive
euthanasia, and either way the patient is dead."
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